
American Psychological Association
 APA is the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, with more than 115,700 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students as its members.


American Psychology-Law Society (Div 41 of APA)
 American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS). AP-LS works to advance the contributions of psychology to the understanding of law and legal institutions through basic and applied research; promotes the education of psychologists in matters of law and the education of legal personnel in matters of psychology, including the appropriate use of psychologists in the legal system; and informs the psychological and legal communities and the general public of current research, educational and service activities in the field of psychology and law. 


Oregon Psychological Association
 The Oregon Psychological Association (OPA) is a not for profit professional association whose purpose is to promote the interests of psychology as a science and profession through services to the public and members.  OPA is a comprised of Oregon psychologists who advocate for psychologists on local, state and national issues


Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners
 Psychologist Examiners (OBPE) was created for the purpose of examining and licensing all persons in Oregon who engage in the practice of psychology. The Board is also charged with safeguarding the people of the State of Oregon from the dangers of unqualified and improper practice of psychology. 


Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers  

The Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers is an international, multi-disciplinary organization dedicated to making society safer by preventing sexual abuse. ATSA promotes sound research, effective evidence-based practice, informed public policy, and collaborative community strategies that lead to the effective assessment, treatment, and management of individuals who have sexually abused or are at risk to abuse.